Our technology and understanding of DNA has given scientists immense power in the field of genetics. Science fiction gradually meets reality with every passing discovery and advancement. What are the scientific, social, financial and moral costs of genetic engineering the following fields?
I am not going to push an ethical agenda on you. Your goal with this project is to research both sides of the pro/con debate and choose aspects that best reflect your own moral compass, not mine. I will provide you links to neutral articles to spur your curiosity. You are in charge of Googling the debate with general queries like: "Pros of....", "Cons of...." and "Ethics of......". You can also use more specific queries like: "Social costs of...", "Economic pros of.....", "Moral cons of....." and so on.deddsfa;lfkjas;flkaj o
Genetically Engineered Animals - De-extinctionGenetically Engineered Animals - Cloning |
Genetically Modified Organisms at the Dinner TableGenetic DatabasesGenetic Counseling
Genetically Engineered Animals - TransgenicsDesigner Babies.
Gene Patenting and Profit Driven Science |